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Welcome to Aquatic Warehouse!
Fish Mox (Amoxicillin)
Useful for control of some common bacterial fish diseases including aeromonas and pseudomonas...
Fish Pen (Penicillin)
Exerts a bacterial action on gram-positive and some gram-negative bacteria. For ornamental and aquar..
MinnFinn Freshwater Fish and Koi Treatment
MinnFinn Aquarium Freshwater Fish And Koi Treatment This break-through broad-spectru..
MinnFinn Freshwater Fish and Koi Treatment - Treats 2240 gallons
MinnFinn Freshwater Fish And Koi Treatment This break-through broad-spectrum medicat..
MinnFinn Saltwater Fish and Coral Treatment
MinnFinn Aquarium Saltwater Fish and Coral Treatment
This break-through broa..
PraziPro Parasite Treatment - Hikari 16oz
Hikari Directions For Use
As a Bath
Start treatment with as large a water change as practical or s..
PraziPro Parasite Treatment - Hikari 4oz
Hikari Directions For Use
As a Bath
Start treatment with as large a water change as practical or s..
Salifert Flatworm eXit
Salifert Flatworm eXit
Flatworm eXit is the best and one of the only ways to rid a tank of flatworm..
Seachem Focus ™ Freshwater and Marine Fish Medication, 5 grams
Seachem Focus ™ Freshwater And Marine Fish MedicationFocus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal..
Seachem Garlic Guard 250 ml
Seachem Garlic Guard 250 mlGarlicGuard™ is an appetite/flavor enhancer for freshwater and saltwater ..
Seachem KanaPlex 5gm/0.2oz
Seachem KanaPlex 5gm/0.2ozKanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectiv..
Seachem Laboratories MetroPlex - 5 Grams
Seachem Laboratories MetroPlex - 5 GramsMetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several pr..
Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 2 Liter
Seachem Prime Water Conditioner
Prime® is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh ..
Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 250 ml/350 ml
Seachem Prime Water ConditionerSpecial buy the 250ml size and get the 350ml for the same price!
Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 4 Liter
Seachem Prime Water Conditioner 4 Liter
Prime® is the complete and concentrated conditioner for bot..
Selcon Vitamin Fish Food Supplement 60 ml
Selcon is a vitamin supplement for marine fish and invertebrates. Use to help maintain a healthy ree..
Two Little Fishies ReVive Coral Cleaner 16.8oz
Two Little Fishies ReVive Coral Cleaner 16.8oz
Two Little Fishies ReVive Coral Cleaner™ is a new p..
BettaFix by API
BettaFix by APIAPI® Bettafix is an all-natural,
antibacterial medication for Bettas that shoul..
Brightwell Aquatics Lugol`s Solution - Advanced Iodine for Reef Aquaria 30ml / 1oz
Brightwell Aquatics Lugol`s Solution - Advanced Iodine for Reef Aquaria 30ml / 1ozTechnical Backgrou..
Brightwell Aquatics Microbacter7 Bioculture Fresh & Marine 250 ml
Brightwell Aquatics Microbacter7 Bioculture Fresh & Marine 250 mlTechnical Background
The concentra..

Medications have become so much more effective in the last few years and we, at Aquatic Warehouse, have culled through all the cheap remedies that are not. Be it for freshwater or salt, we have great wide spectrum and pin-point medications and treatments that you are looking for. Be aware that we do not recommend antibiotics in a reef or saltwater fish tank. For these we use a cheap 10 gallon glass tank with daily water changes with aeration and a heater.