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Reef Octopus Classic 202-S 8" Internal Protein Skimmer
Reef Octopus Regal 250INT Protein Skimmer with Varios DC Pump
IceCap K1-100 Protein Skimmer
IceCap K1-130 Protein Skimmer
IceCap K1-160 Protein Skimmer
IceCap K1-NEO Protein Skimmer
Reef Octopus Classic 1000 HOB Protein Skimmer
Reef Octopus Classic 110SSS 5" Internal Protein Skimmer
Reef Octopus Classic 150SSS Space Saver Skimmer
Reef Octopus Classic 2000 HOB Protein Skimmer
Reef Octopus Regal 150INT Protein Skimmer with Varios DC Pump
Reef Octopus Regal 150SSS Protein Skimmer with Varios DC Pump
Reef Octopus Regal 200INT Protein Skimmer with Varios DC Pump
Reef Octopus Regal 200SSS Protein Skimmer with Varios DC Pump
Reef Octopus Regal 250SSS Protein Skimmer
Reef Octopus Regal 300INT Protein Skimmer with Varios DC Pump
Reef Octopus Regal 300SSS Protein Skimmer with Varios DC Pump

Protein skimmers are ideal to filter out waste and other buildup in your fish tank so it is essential to pick out the best one for your aquarium. Need something more affordable but still works well? The Tunze protein skimmer , the first true “surface skimming” cleaner to be designed, eliminates the need for a sump. We offer a variety of Tunze Comline Protein Skimmer models such as the DOC 9004, DOC 9012, and the DOC 9001. The attached Tunze Foamer produces a large quantity of air bubbles but is also quiet during its operation. It also produces a highly efficient amount of foam and all the pollutants are absorbed and processed out immediately. After installing the Tunze Protein Skimmer, watch the beauty and overall health of the organisms in your tank increase! Purchase one or learn more about our online aquarium supplies in San Diego today!