
API Saltwater Liquid Master Test Kit


Red Sea Algae Control Multi NO3/PO4 Test Kit

Neptune Systems Trident Marine Aquarium Water Analyzer

Brand: Neptune Systems
Product Code: 15426
Availability: Out Of Stock
$6.75 back via Rewards Points

Trident Marine Aquarium Water Analyzer

Neptune Systems has come up another gem with the Trident Marine Aquarium Water Analyzer! Now you can accurately test and dose Calcium, Alkalinity and Magnesium in your saltwater aquarium better than you can dose by hand. The Trident then integrates seamlessly with the Neptune Apex and simply adjust your dosing and also any alerts or notifications. We recommend combined with the Neptune DOS or dosing pumps (available separately) to creates an “all-in Automated System” for the proper dosing of these vital main elements that corals need replenished numerous times a  day to support any hi-end reef system, perfectly.

  • Amazing Precision in Accuracy.
  • Forget About Doing Ongoing Multiple Tests!
  • Super Easy Setup, 15 minutes to Get Running.
  • Treats Calcium, Alkalinity and Magnesium – Automatically.
  • Super Easy Results and Graph Read Outs.
  • High/Low Alerts When Tank Creeps Out of Range.
  • Controls Dosing to Maintain the Most Consistent Levels Possible.
  • One Month’s Supply of Reagents All Tucked Away Neatly Inside
  • Uses Less Than 7 ml of Tank Water per Test.
  • Super Quite!
  • No syringes, vials, colors, endpoints, expiration dates — now a thing of the past and with Zero Effort.

The Trident is a self-contained automatic titration colorimeter. On a scheduled basis the Trident carefully mixes its reagents with a small amount of sample water from your aquarium and interprets the results.. While doing this, it is measuring (titrating with a precision peristaltic pump) the amounts of each that are necessary to reach an expected color change (determined by the electronic colorimeter). When it finishes the titration, it sends this sample/reagent fluid to your waste container. It then interprets the results of that test and logs the value into your Apex.


Super Easy Plug and Play Setup

From the box to testing in under 15 minutes! Unlike other testing systems, there are no reagents to mix, tubes to cut, or pumps or probes to calibrate. Simply plug in one cable, two tubes, and run the setup task on the Apex Fusion mobile app — it holds your hand through the installation with helpful videos along the way.

Amazing Consistancy and Precision Every Test

The Trident tests with a precision of +/- 0.05 dKh for Alkalinity and 15ppm for Calcium and Magnesium. This is better than humans can do consistently with every hobby-grade test kit on the market.

Out of Range Actions and Alerts

You can set up your Apex to alert you, or take immediate action(s) when a parameter falls outside of the safe zone you specify. As just one example, you might be dosing an Alkalinity solution and a misconfiguration could lead to overdosing of your tank. The Trident will catch that, alert you, and give you more time to make that correction before its too late and to save your aquarium. The data from the Trident can also be used to turn on and off other devices (like dosers or solenoids) to protect your tank even more.

Automatic Dosing Control to Grow Any Coral

The more stable you maintain proper levels of Alkalinity, followed by Calcium and Magnesium, the better your corals will grow and thrive. But coral uptake of these supplements often changes and requires us not only to perform more testing, but also seems to put us in a never-ending state of adjusting our dosing levels.

When configured on the Apex, ADC will take the results it receives from the Trident and use them to gradually turn up or down the amount of additive your DŌS delivers. But, don’t worry, we have built this feature with safety in mind. With ADC you set your target value and your starting dosing amount and ADC will only tune that dosing level +/-35%. If it takes more than that amount of dosing to keep your aquarium at your target value, then the Apex will stop ADC, revert to your starting dosing amount, and alert you that you need to manually adjust your dosing level. Then, ADC can be reenabled and it will continue to guide your DŌS so that it keeps you as close to your target value as possible.

Simple and Infrequent Reagent Changes

When using the default testing schedule of four (4) alkalinity, two (2) calcium, and two (2) magnesium tests a day, the reagent stored inside the Apex will last a full month. And adding new reagent is super simple — just slide out the drawer, remove the old bottle(s), and replace them with new ones. If you desire, you can also run a calibration with the included calibration standard.

The Price is Right


The cost of reagents and recurring cost is a valid concern for a hobbyist considering the test kit or automated system – and we designed the Trident with that in mind – keeping those costs as low as possible. Reagent comes in 2-month kits (based on the default testing schedule of 4-Alk/2-Ca/2-Mg per day). These kits include two bottles of Reagent A (changed every month), one each of Reagent B and C (changed every two months), and one bottle of our calibration seawater sample. The reagent kit has at least 240 alkalinity tests and 120 tests each of Calcium and Magnesium. These two-month kits are priced at just $44.95 in the U.S.

Super Quiet Running

You will hear the Trident operate from time to time if you listen closely or you have a super-quiet room.  And, as compared to other automated testing systems, it is several dB quieter. While inside your cabinet along with your other equipment, you will likely never even hear it.

Running  Specifics:

Automatically tests seawater for Alkalinity, Calcium, and Magnesium

Up to 24 Alkalinity tests per day with +/-.05 dKh precision

Up to 12 Calcium tests per day with +/-15 ppm precision

Up to 12 Magnesium tests per day with +/-15 ppm precision

~7.9ml sample water used per parameter tested

~7 minutes testing time per parameter tested

Up to one month of testing before reagents need changing based on base level testing of 4-Alk, 2-Ca, 2-Mg per day.

When combined with DŌS system (available separately), the data from Trident can be used to automatically raise or lower the amount of additives dosed as necessary to maintain stability at user set point.

Wide range for measurements:

   Alkalinity           5.0 – 15.0 dKH

   Calcium             250 – 875 ppm

   Magnesium     850 – 1950 ppm


Apex or ApexEL (not Apex Classic, Lite, or Jr.)

Available 1Link port OR 24v power supply and Aquabus Cable (available separately)

External waste container or drain

Must be located within 4’ of water source to be tested



1Link cable (US/CAN only)

5′ of black sample line tubing

5′ of clear waste line tubing

1-month reagent supply

Calibration Fluid

Get Started Card


10″H x 4.25″W x 12”D